Friday, April 4, 2014

And... We're Off!

I signed up for this blog back in February and have been meaning to launch it ever since. But, being myself, I couldn't do it until it looked *just* right. I haven't played around with HTML since the MySpace days so it took me a little while to get back into the swing of things. Still a total novice but hey, I think it's better than the "Simple" template I started with ;) Countless hours later and I gazillion "nope, not right"s later and we're finally LIVE. Hollllaaaa.

(Also, I put my website on my business cards, which I started handing out today, so there should probably be something that comes up when people type in my url... Might be helpful)

Anyway, big news for Hann Made It... My merch is now available at an awesome boutique here in Columbus called Simply Vague.  Everything in the store comes from local artists... over 200 of them! I'm so in love with the feel of the store and can't wait to see where this opportunity takes this lovely hobby of mine. There are currently 3 locations: one at Polaris, one at Tuttle and a new location in the South Campus Gateway (apparel only). Hann Made it is only available at Polaris for now but I would love to expand to the other locations in the near future :) Stay tuned!

Well, House of Cards is calling my name. If you haven't watched it yet, do it. Amazing. Addictive. Can't believe I only have a few episodes left. Boo. 

Until later, lovies. Hope you have a wonderful weekend!